
12.5 Inch X 120 Inch Linen Table Runner

$12.00 $7.95

Embrace the latest trend in linen blends with our 12.5" x 120"  Linen Table Runner. This chic piece captures the essence of sophistication and is a fantastic, budget-friendly alternative to burlap...

Selvage EdgeSelvage Edge
Fringe EdgeFringe Edge
SKU: T107-72Categories: Linen Furnishings, Party Decor Tags: linen furnishing
Embrace the latest trend in linen blends with our 12.5" x 120"  Linen Table Runner. This chic piece captures the essence of sophistication and is a fantastic, budget-friendly alternative to burlap runners. Elevate your table setting with the refined style and cost-effectiveness of this linen table runner. Available in a Fringed or Selvage Edge.
Additional Information

Selvage edge, Fringe edge

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